Pack 3322


Pack Annual Dues provides funding for: re-charter costs (per Scout paid every February), Blue and Gold Banquet, Pack meeting costs (miscellaneous items, prizes, etc), Pinewood Derby, Raingutter Regatta, Den meeting costs, Scout patches/awards, Class B t-shirt, and other misc expenses.

How Are Dues Used?

  • 75-80%. Scout Awards. (The Pack’s largest expenditure are the awards, badges, and achievements that Scouts earn.)
  • 15%. Facility Rental & Equipment.
  • 5-10%. Miscellaneous Expenses.

CB = Cub Scout = Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos
L = Lion

Scout Dues for each additional Scout Lions Dues
$185 $140 $170
Scenario Pack Annual Dues Popcorn Sold to Waive 100% Pack Annual Dues
One (1) CB $185 $555.00
Two (2) CB $185 + $140 = $325 $975.00
Three (3) CB $185 + $140 + $140 = $465 $1,395.00
Four (4) CB $185 + $140 + $140 + $140 = $605 $1,815.00
One (1) L $170 $510.00
Two (2) L $170 + $140 = $310 $930.00
Three (3) L $170 + $140 + $140 = $450 $1,350.00
One (1) CB + one (1) L $185 + $140 = $325 $975.00
Two (2) CB + one (1) L $185 + $140 + $140 = $465 $1,395.00
Three (3) CB + one (1) L $185 + $140 + $140 + $140 = $605 $1,815.00